PER welcomes article manuscripts, short responses to previously published articles (Forum essays), and book reviews on topics relevant to historic environment education from fields such as historic preservation, heritage conservation, heritage studies, building and landscape conservation, urban conservation, and cultural patrimony. International submissions (in English) are encouraged.
Only original work that has not been published previously and is not under review elsewhere will be considered.
What to submit
– A title page with the title and author(s) information (e.g., name[s], affiliation[s], postal and e-mail addresses, phone).
– A one-page abstract of 150-200 words that summarizes the research question, research approach, and summary of findings.
– A short bio(s) of the author(s) on a separate page.
– The body of the paper should consist of 4500-6000 words, double-spaced in a 12-point font for the text and a 10-point font for the endnotes.
– For the blind-review process, any author-specific information (e.g., name[s]) needs to be OMITTED from the body of the paper and included ONLY on the title page.
– Manuscripts are only accepted in MS Word or PDF format; final submissions must be in MS Word format.
Where to submit
All manuscripts should be submitted through to the editor, Paul Hardin Kapp,
When to submit
Article manuscripts are accepted on a rolling basis throughout the year, but submission by February 15 will help assure that accepted materials are published in the next annual volume of PER.
– Following a double-blind peer-review process, the editors notify the authors of the status of their manuscript (accept as is, accept with minor revisions, accept with major revisions, or reject). PER’s policy is to keep the names of referees confidential, which we will do the greatest extent possible. We cannot, however, guarantee confidentiality where legal action requires PER to disclose the identity of a referee.
– If necessary, authors resubmit manuscripts with requested revisions; resubmitted manuscripts may be subjected to a double-blind peer-review process.
– The editors send the accepted manuscripts in their final version (after revisions) to the copy editor for English editing.
– Authors are asked to change/correct according to the copy editor’s comments. NO changes or editorial arrangements other than what is indicated by the copy editor will be accepted at this point.
– The editors send the corrected manuscripts to the graphic designer.
– Authors are asked to approve the final PDF of their manuscripts before final materials are sent to the printer.
– Each author gets two copies of the journal and a PDF file of the article.
In general, submissions should follow the Chicago Manual of Style.
Gender References
Please use gender-neutral references to the greatest extent possible.
Heads and Subheads
– Articles should be organized by using heads and subheads.
– Title of the paper: use upper and lower case letters (upper case for the first letter of every word that is not a preposition) and bold.
– Heading: capitalize and bold.
– Subheading: upper and lower case letters and bold.
– Heading and subheading: same size font as the rest of the text.
– Provide 2-line space before and 1-line space after a heading and a subheading.
– Indent every paragraph (1 tab space), except for paragraphs that appear directly after a headline (then – do not indent).
– No extra line-spaces between paragraphs.
– Provide a single space after every punctuation mark within a paragraph, and between sentences.
References and Citation
PER uses the Chicago Manual of Style author-date system for notations in the text, endnotes, and reference list. Use initial caps for all titles.
Citation in the text would be simply (Smith 1999), or (Smith 1999, 20) for a quote, or (Smith 1999a) if this author had more than one publication cited in the reference list. Do not use commas between author and year.
Smith, John. 1998. Splitting the Edge. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
Edited volume:
Barton, Craig E., ed. 2001. Sites of Memory: Perspectives on Architecture and Race. New York, NY: Princeton Architectural Press.
Smith, Maynard. 1996. “The Origin of Stucco.” Nature, 4 (1): 639–40.
UNESCO. 1997. To Protect The Oral Heritage of Humanity. December 22. Retrieved January 18, 2008 from
Article manuscripts should have no more than 15 figures/tables/flow charts that are of high quality and clearly reproducible. Reference each figure/flow chart/graph within the text in the following manner: “(Figure 1)”; Reference each table within the text in the following manner: “(Table 1)”.
Images (photos):
– Color or black and white (grayscale) images are acceptable; color images are used only for online PDF publications.
– Image size should be at least 3 inches in width and height.
– Image resolution: 300 pixels/inch.
– Do not prepare images in MS Word or PowerPoint applications.
– Provide bitmap images in TIF or JPG formats only.
– Provide vector images as EPS files.
– All figures should be sent electronically as individual files and not embedded in the MS Word or PDF file. Label the electronic files with “figure #.jpg”.
– Prepare tables in MS Word and save them as separate files.
– All figures should be sent electronically in individual files, not embedded in the paper. Label the electronic files with “table #.docx”.
Flow charts or graphs:
– Do not prepare in MS Word or PowerPoint applications.
– Provide flow charts as vector-based EPS files (prepared in an application such as Adobe InDesign or Illustrator) or as high-resolution TIF files with a minimum resolution of 600 pixels/inch at a minimum size of 3 inches width and height.
– Label all files with “figure #.eps” or “figure #.tif”.
Please include the following information in the captions:
– Figure number.
– A very brief description (example: “a view of the living room”).
– A location.
– Date(s).
– Architect and/or builder.
– Illustration credits are required (for example, “All illustrations by author”).
– Reference all illustrations in the text.
– Prepare a list of captions at the end of the document on a separate page.
Contributors must obtain a copy of an owner’s permission to reproduce any non-original illustrations that are not in the public domain, and submit it once the paper is accepted for publication. Note that the author pays any required fees for permission to reproduce illustrations.
Punctuation, Capitalization, Numbers:
– Enclose all punctuation (except semicolons) inside quotation marks.
– Use serial commas.
– Endnote numbers should appear at the very end of a sentence.
– Spell out numbers one through one hundred and round numbers.
– Spell out centuries.
– Avoid ampersands except in end matter.
– Titles of books or journals should appear in italic.
– No word emphasis.
Direct quotations of five lines or more should be typed as a separate paragraph with no initial indentation and no quotation marks with a blank line space before and after.
Reference the Chicago Manual of Style for the treatment of endnotes.
– Number endnotes consecutively with Arabic numerals.
– Place book and journal titles in italics.
– Do not abbreviate the names of journals.
Address all editorial and submission queries to the editor, Paul Hardin Kapp,